Where We Stay

It could be an average experience with below-average accommodations like some tours feature but frankly we just like nice hotels. We assume you do as well.

Our main focus at FreeStateTours is the tour experience and the comfort of our guests. We are American and tend to use a mix of mainline major brand hotels (Western Style) and some boutique 4-star+ hotels. These are personally vetted and provide a comfortable place to rest and recharge. We make every effort to provide a good night’s rest since it is so important to our trip. Some of our tours kick off with hotels right in the airport to make arrival and departure as easy as possible. This also limits your costs and helps recover from jetlag. When possible we try to use themed hotels like during our automotive-related tours in Europe.

We can give you the specific hotels for your tour but we do not share these on the website to maintain our relationships with our hand-selected properties.


We choose comfortable hotels with clean, nice amenities. We handpick the hotels based on location and comfort.


Although we have some very busy tour days there is enough time to relax at the end of each day. We try to pick the best accommodations to meet our schedule and tour theme.


We try to pick unique hotels that give you local or themed flavor whenever possible. Not every place we stay is special but some are very special places to experience.

Hotel in Haifa Israel

Get in Touch and Let’s Dream

296 E 200 Avenue
Patoka, IL. 62875
